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This is a favorite dish with all my friends when I make it for rummy or bridge sessions. It is an excellent snack at tea time. All my children, especially my son Milind love it. I make the same preparation with rice shevaya (vermicelli) for my daughter Medha and my grand-daughter Elena as a gluten-free variation.



    Step 1

    In a flat saucepan dish, heat oil; add rai and when it starts to splutter add jeera, hing, curry and green chillies

    Step 2

    Add onion and fry till golden; add vermicelli and continue frying till they are well fried

    Step 3

    Add vegetables, coconut, peanut powder, salt and sugar

    Step 4

    Add ½ - ¾ cup hot water: mix well, cover and cook (tip: you have to be careful when adding water - little extra water makes it sticky; so add water as needed)

    Step 5

    When it is ready add lime juice and cilantro

    Step 6

    Serve with pickle or chutney of choice

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